Perfect Aloe Matrix

From £35.00


£35 for 60 capsules (equivalent to 2 litres of high quality aloe juice)
£60 for 120 capsules.

Recommended dose:
One capsule for daily maintenance and 2 – 4 capsules daily for more severe conditions.

Aloe has long been hailed as a great medicinal plant due to its anti-inflammatory properties.

Perfect Aloe Matrix is a more potent product than the Perfect Aloe Juice, and is based on R&D carried out by world leading microbiologist and aloe expert, Dr Ivan Danhof*.

Ideal for sportspeople, athletes and people with an active lifestyle, this specialist, high-quality organic aloe vera supplement is produced to the highest quality, standard and effectiveness.

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What sets PAM apart from other aloe products is the processing of the Aloe Vera plant, which takes place without losing any of its natural curative properties. The aloe leaves are hand-filleted by the traditional, old-fashioned labour-intensive method to ensure the highest possible concentrations of desirable properties are captured. Just one capsule is equivalent to 120mls of high-grade quality aloe juice.

Although many products contain aloe vera, it is often used sparingly and therefore the quantities are not high enough for the plant’s healing properties to be truly beneficial.

However, this more advanced process means the positive effects of Perfect Aloe Matrix are often relatively instant and boast impressive, long-lasting results.
